Session 05: Living Quarters and Turbine (Part I)

This session was somewhat shorter in length than usual. No parts were fully completed, but sizable progress was made toward the living compartments located at the ship’s stern along with the turbine that will eventually be attached to the very back of the ship.

The pieces for the living compartments started off as three separate blocks, which later will be glued together to form the back end of the ship [Figure 1, 2]. We left the top layer unglued for now since the railing pieces have to be added between those pieces. At the moment, we are unable to properly cut out the railings [Figure 3] because we don't have an X-Acto knife to cut out the small squares (there's so many of them, going to take forever 😰).

We moved on toward beginning the construction of the turbine that will be attached to the compartment [Figure 4]. Currently only the tip of the turbine has been made and that will be where we resume next session [Figure 5].

Time Spent: ~2.5 hours

Figure 1: Compartment Pieces

Figure 2: Living Quarters (Minus Railing)
Figure 3: Railings

Figure 4: Turbine Pieces

Figure 5: Turbine End Piece


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