Session 14: (Almost) Completed!

The penultimate session was our longest yet! Today we made the second mast and the compartment at the stern. The ship is structurally completed, all that is left are some small details that need to be glued on. Those will be done tomorrow to finalize the ship in its entirety.

We started with the back compartment today, which was not too bad since it was bigger than the crow's nest and thus easier for our hands to handle [Figure 1, 2].

After that, the back mast was made out of the remaining pieces [Figure 3, 4]. The sails still need a tiny of bit paper to cover the parts connecting to the mast, but aren't structurally needed so they're basically done.

The other pictures [Figure 5-10are an all-around display of the ship. Even though another full cycle of pictures will be taken after the remaining small details are added, there will not be any major differences, which will be negligible at best.

Time Spent: ~8 hours

Figure 1: Compartment (Pieces)

Figure 2: Compartment

Figure 3: Back Mast (Pieces)

Figure 4: Back Mast

Figure 5: Ship (Back, High)

Figure 6: Ship (Back, Low)
Figure 7: Ship (Side, High)

Figure 8: Ship (Side, Low)

Figure 9: Ship (Front)

Figure 10: Ship (Back)


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